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Types of Entrepreneurships on the Internet

  5. Types of Entrepreneurships on the Internet Actually, there is no type of entrepreneur, but it is possible to classify entrepreneurs. ...


5. Types of Entrepreneurships on the Internet

Actually, there is no type of entrepreneur, but it is possible to classify entrepreneurs. according to their behavior, perspective on events, and motivation to become an entrepreneur. Accordingly, the types of entrepreneurs on the internet are We can divide them into four groups: merchant entrepreneur, businessman entrepreneur, technological entrepreneur and forced entrepreneur.

5.1. Merchant Entrepreneur

it is the type of entrepreneur who focuses not on innovation but on the product that can be sold best in the market at that moment. He doesn't care much about the product he sells. A website that sells socks today can establish a dating site tomorrow. The only thing they look at here is the ability to predict what is currently making money in the market without going back too far and to turn it into money quickly. We can give Bill Gates and Sakıp Sabancı as examples of this type of entrepreneurs. These types of entrepreneurs do not have very close contact with education such as a master's degree in business administration or even a bachelor's degree, and their relationship with education is not very good. In summary, the commercial intelligence of these people is at a high level.

5.2. Businessman Entrepreneur

They are people who embark on entrepreneurship with what they read, developments in business life, environmental factors and what they learned at school. These types of entrepreneurs usually start working in corporate life and decide to become entrepreneurs when they see an opportunity or when they get bored or cannot find what they expected in corporate life. What can make these types of entrepreneurs successful is limited to what they have learned in corporate life and the strength of their business networks. Of course, the person's character and internal motivations are among the other factors that affect success. What can make these types of entrepreneurs’ fail is their commercial incompetence and being too innovation oriented.

5.3. Technological Entrepreneur

It is an example of an entrepreneur who has a high technical background and realizes that he can turn this into money. Commercial intelligence and the person's character are still effective, but the biggest deficiency in this type of entrepreneur is that they think that technology will be enough to make money. What these types of entrepreneurs need to do is to focus on technological innovation and open-source code and to cooperate with merchant entrepreneurs and business entrepreneurs, otherwise they will move towards becoming freelance software developers.

5.4. Compulsory Entrepreneur

These types of entrepreneurs are generally people prepared by wealthy families to take over companies. Both the education he receives and his environment are intended to prepare him for the future. The plus of these entrepreneurs is that they do not go through financial difficulties. The downside is that money-making abilities develop slowly at first.

11.6. Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce

As a result of the development of internet-based technologies after the 1990s, entrepreneurs have had the opportunity to both open up to new markets and carry out their activities with more affordable financing opportunities. Therefore, we can say that rapid developments in information technologies have a positive impact on the entrepreneur. For the knowledge-based economy, information and information technologies play an important role and provide competitive advantage to economies. The source of this competitive advantage encourages entrepreneurs to own businesses of all sizes. Today, entrepreneurs should make the internet and e-commerce a part of their business and even put it at the center.

business ideas; It allows you to put your ideas into practice. It seems that the most progress in this regard is in the field of e-commerce, with every development on the Internet, entrepreneurs become a little more courageous. Where to send your goods? Entrepreneurship It is possible to say that where and how your buyers will reach you determines the framework of trade and that the borders have disappeared thanks to the internet. Products/services can be introduced to consumers all over the world. It can send products to anywhere shipping is possible.

Having a website where you can promote and sell products is sufficient for e-commerce. Products can also be sold through sites that allow individuals to sell the things they own, auction sites or thematic shopping sites. Entrepreneurs have found that bringing buyers and sellers together online is a very practical method. It is now possible to see brand new e-commerce models on the internet. It is seen that e-commerce models with different scenarios have been developed, such as sites publishing coupons, auction sites, selling opportunity products in a limited time, selling a limited number of discounted products. Some of these have achieved great success and become widespread throughout the world. Now you don't even have to get up to buy a piece from the new collection of a very famous fashion designer. You can pre-order a new game console or computer from wherever you are. In short, it is possible to say that the world is no longer the same with e-commerce and that e-commerce has eliminated borders. This shows that geographical boundaries no longer have any meaning for the entrepreneur today.

E-Commerce brings together sellers, suppliers, resellers and customers in a way that is not otherwise possible through the Web. Companies selling goods and customers wherever they are in the world can shop online. Parent companies and dealers can carry out transactions between each other over the Web. Companies that do business over the web naturally communicate with their customers more easily and do more business. Problems such as measurability and security can be solved more easily day by day. By doing business over the web, you can spend more time on your main activity, improve customer service, shorten the return period and use limited resources more efficiently. Most importantly, orders can be taken, and goods can be sold in real terms. E-commerce is a set of new opportunities, needs and rules Security.

11.6.1. Definition and Scope of E-Commerce

E-Commerce is the production, promotion, sale, insurance, distribution and payment of goods and services through computer networks. E-commerce consists of three stages: advertising and market research, order and payment and delivery by carrying out one or all of the commercial transactions electronically. E-commerce is a concept that covers the sale and purchase of all kinds of goods and services using computer technology, electronic communication channels and related technologies (such as smart cards, electronic fund transfer (EFT), POS terminals, fax). In this context, e-commerce covers all financial and commercial activities carried out via internet data interchange (EDI) or electronic funds transfer (EFT) and credit cards. In addition, education, public information, promotion-advertising, etc. That produces commercial results or support commercial activities. Transactions carried out electronically for certain purposes are also within the scope of electronic commerce. In this context, the scope of electronic commerce in terms of entrepreneurship can be listed as follows:

Exchanging goods and services electronically,

making production planning and creating a production chain,

Promotion, advertising and information,


Do make a deal,

Electronic bank transactions and fund transfers,

customs clearance, Sending electronic bills of lading, purchases, Transactions regarding public e-mail in electronic environment, Electronic share exchange and stock market monitoring,

Keeping business records and Direct consumer marketing,

E-signature, electronic notary, etc.

Creating information and transferring it instantly, Taxation in electronic environment, Transfer of intellectual property rights,

Product tracking in electronic environment, Shipment tracking electronically

6.2. E-Commerce Forms

E-commerce is carried out in different ways depending on the parties and the way it is carried out, although the technologies and applications used are similar. It is basically divided into two based on electronic commerce activities. These; Indirect E-Commerce and Direct E-Commerce.

Indirect E-Commerce: Indirect e-commerce consists of ordering goods. electronically and physically delivering them through traditional means such as postal service and commercial couriers. Indirect e-commerce: It depends on some external factors such as transportation system, monetary system, customs system.

Direct E-Commerce: Direct e-commerce is the online ordering, payment and delivery of non-physical goods and services such as computer programs, music and entertainment, visual and audio works, services providing information on various subjects, consultancy services. Direct e-commerce is an electronic transaction that can be completed across geographic boundaries. While direct e-commerce is independent of external factors, indirect e-commerce depends on external factors such as customs and postal systems.

On the other hand, according to e-commerce parties, it is done in nine different ways. These; Business to business (B2B), Business to consumer (B2C), Business to government entity (B2G), Consumer to business (Consumer to consumer (C2C), Consumer to government (C2G),entity Public entity to business (G2B), Public entity to consumer (G20) and Public entity to government entity (G20) There are nine different application types, including G2G. Some of them are briefly explained below.15(C2B

1. Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce (B2C): The function of e-commerce in business-to-consumer commercial services is to carry out commercial relations and transactions between the business and the customer over the web. The purpose is to sell goods and services and market them to target audiences. With the "Virtual Store" applications that emerged as a result of rapid developments in web technology, companies can; It has started to sell many products directly to consumers, from computers to automobiles, from books to pizza. Services of companies such as Dell,, and eBay fall into this model.

2. Business-to-Business E-Commerce (B2B): The aim of the Business-to-Business E-Commerce model is to integrate products, services and services with the integration of automated systems into collaborative units (manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, stores, departments, etc.). To ensure the sale, use and sharing of information between businesses. It can also be expressed as companies placing orders to suppliers electronically, providing invoices and paying their fees. According to research, the share of business-to-business trade in e-commerce is greater than that between businesses and consumers.

3. Business-to-Public E-Commerce (B2G): In this section, which covers commercial transactions between businesses and public institutions, publishing public tenders on the internet and companies bidding electronically constitute the first examples. In order to support the spread of e-commerce, public tax payments and customs transactions are also moved to the virtual world.

4. E-Commerce from Consumer to Public (C2G): In this category, which does not yet have widespread examples, driving license, passport applications, social security premiums and tax payments, etc. It is planned to transition to Electronic Government through applications. The UK Government announced in 2005 that all public services could be provided electronically and completed the transition to Electronic Government.